Easy Potted Plants For Beginners

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  1. Great information here. I love collecting house potted plants for inside my home . I always forget to water mine outside. Especially in Texas heat.

    1. Haha yes it somehow seems easier to take care of your indoor plants than the outdoor ones. I’m definitely guilty of this.

  2. What a lovely post! Your information is spot on and I love that you included a pet friendly section.

    1. Thank you! And yes, when you have pets you learn how to combine your favorite things without hurting either one of them haha.

  3. Oh Iove this 😍 I used to have a houseplant care blog and I missed this type of content 💚

  4. Great information for those of us who struggle with plants. I like the beginner-friendly plants and that you included some options for pet parents as well.

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